Wednesday, July 22, 2009

another day, another experience!

We have been with the kids for a pretty good time now and this has helped us to generate a force of trust. Every weekend we learn something new because each kid has always something to tell us, some story to share with us.
For today´s class the subject that we decided to teach them was “Don´t do others what you wouldn´t want them to do to you”. We consider that it is important that kids know this in order to ask for respect and be respected. While we develop the class there were a few ideas that i thought were interesting. A kid sayd “ i don´t like to fight, but i always keep seeing people fighting so i guess it is normal”. Hearing this alows us to realize that adults are the ones determining what is or not good or bad, normal or not for children. We should be more aware of our actitudes in front of children.
After that, the kids had brakefast and had fun playing in the park. I have notices that thay realy like to play with puzzles.Today i learned that adult´s way of acting really influences the way kids act o think. Each day i realize how important it is to work under an ecologic point of view, in wich our interest comes not only to be the kid, but also its´s surrounding


  1. VerĂ³nica - Why would you teach this ethic when we talked in class about how passive it is. It is not only passive, but it also encourages a hands-off, me-first attitude. Remember that we came up with a much better ethic in class?

  2. Justin i really dont understand your question....

  3. Veronica - Remember in class when we analyzed this ethic: "Don´t do others what you wouldn´t want them to do to you"? We agreed that we can follow this by literally doing nothing to help anybody else. We came up with a new ethic, that went like this: "Prefer you brother over yourself." I would like to see how you teach that idea to the kids in your class.
