Monday, August 3, 2009

will continue

The semester is completed and probably some social work have finished too, but mine wil be continue because I have commited with the school and with myself. Until now I have learn a lot, my view of life have change and I like how I see social work now!!!
The project last one year, and i will be until the end because if I leave my social work will be incomplete and I wouldnt see the final result.
I remembar that in class we talk that every work have to has a purpose so if I want to carry out that purpose i have to stay, because each of the persons that are involve are neccesary for carry out the project.
These subjetc and these social work has transformate me.

I have change

During my social work I have mature, I have grow as a person, i have change some of my ideas, i have take responsability with my society.
when I start working I thought it was a good project and also was related with my career so was good opportunity to began my social work but as time passed I have get really involve with these kids. Every week I prepare good activities that can respond to their interest, I enjoy taking with the kids, because they have good and bad experiences that sometimes we know that exist but we dont know they are very common. When we were at the park one of the girls sat beside me and told me that his dad drink every day and when he arrived to their house she became very nervous because many times his dad hits his mother. I ask if his father also hits her but she told that never has occurs. While i was listening I imagine the situation and I realize that I have to be grateful with my life, with God. Sometimes I thought that have big problems but is not true because I can resolve the problem but exist others problems that are really difficult to resolve.
Returning to the class I realize that I have to use my cognitive surplus, that I have to take advantage of all my knowledge if i want to contribute with the society!

not only on saturday

The titlle of this post in "not only on saturday" because my social work implies more than only go on saturday at 8:30, during the week i have to prepare what we are going to do with the kids, have to meet with the students to talk about our plan.
For me is very nice see how students are really involve with the social labor, in a certain point i think that our society are changing, young people are work in favor of others, they are recognizing their rol in society. I mention this because i have notice that these students are making this social labor not only because in a requirement for graduate they enjoy teaching people of low incomes.
This saturday when I returned to my home i realize that this social work is a "mutualism" because is true that I am teaching kinds but i the other hand every saturday I learn a new thing. Today I learn that each of these kids have their own background and they act depending on that, so when we are in fronte of those kids we have to consider how the kid has grow.
This saturday was a new experience.....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cognitive Surplus

At first, i got confused with what Mr. Shriky was saying. But once i analized the video, it all made a lot more sense. It was really interesting, not only because of the reflectios he made, but for all the analisys that was made about the past, and that somehow lets us understand everything a little more.
It is true that all of us own a lot of potential, making us capable of performing many important things, but it is also true that most of our potential, is mostly wasted. Without knowing, we become only consumers and not producers. A lot of time we create this wonderful ideas that we tend to keep for ourselves, not letting anyone to find out about them, maybe beacuse of fear to cause rejection. However, Mr. Shirky taught me that the beginning of a change comes with sharing what we think. That will be a great start.
I consider myself as a not consumer at all. I think this because there are many things out there in the market that do not call my atention, not even a little. However, watching this video made me think about how i use my free time, and wether i use it for something that´s worth o not. I have always something to do, and because of my job and the social work i do i think i make a pretty good use of my time, i make a good use of this “cognitive surplus”. With this video i realized that because of my job that is involved with children, i somehow become part of the change, i am doing something to help improve our society.

another day, another experience!

We have been with the kids for a pretty good time now and this has helped us to generate a force of trust. Every weekend we learn something new because each kid has always something to tell us, some story to share with us.
For today´s class the subject that we decided to teach them was “Don´t do others what you wouldn´t want them to do to you”. We consider that it is important that kids know this in order to ask for respect and be respected. While we develop the class there were a few ideas that i thought were interesting. A kid sayd “ i don´t like to fight, but i always keep seeing people fighting so i guess it is normal”. Hearing this alows us to realize that adults are the ones determining what is or not good or bad, normal or not for children. We should be more aware of our actitudes in front of children.
After that, the kids had brakefast and had fun playing in the park. I have notices that thay realy like to play with puzzles.Today i learned that adult´s way of acting really influences the way kids act o think. Each day i realize how important it is to work under an ecologic point of view, in wich our interest comes not only to be the kid, but also its´s surrounding

Diet for a new America

This videos that we were sent to watch help us to get into the subject of the reading. I think that they act as a connection between reality and the reading.

As i said before, i think that the videos introduce us to the subject of the reading. It makes us realize how human beings, including myself, tend to act only when something interests us. I believe that the point of us reading this is to realize that most of the time we act without knowing the reality of things, therefore it teaches us to be informed and to find out how things really work in order to make any decission or act in any specific way .
These videos also show us how when we satisfact our necesities, we are also damaging mother nature. It teaches us how our eating habits are putting an end to any available resource there is.
To conclude, i should say that, both the reading and the videos are teaching us to find out what it is that we are getting wrong, and that if we want to change for good, we should start by our way of acting, bettering our habits and understanding that not always the most important thing is to satisfact ourselves.

These relationships imply that it is time to change our way of acting, not only for our own benefict, but for all of the people, even for the benefict of nature. I think that it all starts in each and everyone of us. If we start changing, soon evereyone will.
I am aware that changing is not as easy as it sounds, because we get so involved in things, that we get used to the system without noticing anything wrong. A simple example is our eating habits. Almost all of us are used to consume natural resources like water, trees-wood and animals, and we use this resources without any consideration or limit. We are forgetting that we can run out of them, therefore we should start taking care of all that. It is time to start being consious about our important roll in society, if we want keep living in it.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

mejor en 1er año...!

Estoy en tercer año de Desarrollo Infantil y desde el primer semestre que ingrese a la universidad me vi envuelta en "labor social", ya que nos pedian que trabajemos con sectores populares desarrollado proyectos o actividades que respondan a sus necesidades. Al principio era chevere porque la satisfaccion que me quedaba al terminar una actividad era indescriptible, la sonrisa de los niños y de los padres era algo que me hacia sentir bien. Pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo la satisfaccion y el sentimiento disminuyeron porque era realizado por obligacion, por cumplir con las materias. Hasta cierto punto esa situacion me molestaba, porque siempre me gusto trabajar con las personas y conocer su realidad, pero por otro lado la universidad no comprendia que ya trabajaba y que mi tiempo no era el mismo que en primer año.
Ahora en tercer año vuelvo a sentir la misma satisfaccion del primer semestre y eso sucedio gracias a esta materia (el individuo y su rol en la sociedad) porque en el momento en que uno entiende el impacto que puede crear en la sociedad es cuando nos damos cuenta que hay mucho que hacer. Considero que esta materia es de gran importancia para comprender la metodologia que utiliza la universidad o al menos la facultad de Ecología Humana, por eso pienso que deberia ser dada en primer año, porque asi las futuras alumnas le darian mas sentido a cada proyecto o actividad que la universidad les pide que realicen.